divendres, 19 de setembre del 2014

This summer I've good summer, because i went party, I was meet with my friends, I've meet new places...etc
I liked the good weather of all the summer.
One of the best days I've have when me and my friends from my village go the the river to pass the day with they and have fun the day.
And one of my worst day was a day what we ho to Barcelona and it started to rain.

dilluns, 10 de març del 2014

Comparation carnavals

Carnival Terrassa is very different than New Orleanse.
Here people having a great customes but most are bought in stores and this makes disfreses not unique. But this is not a problem to celebrate the carnival people disfreses or buys or makes them up. What varies is the kind of party that is in Terrassa is a very small parade but making all round the city, however people get beyond the customes and put them in the parade.